Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

#imagine story justin bieber . Hope u like guys ♥

Disini ceritanya km tinggal di NewYork ama om & tante km. Ohya, yg pasti km adlh belieber :)
Saat ini, dnger" idola km Justin Bieber lagi di NY..
Oke, langsung ke cerita..

Tante: "urname" kesini sbentar..
You: ada apa tante ?
Tante: km ke butiknya Tante Ashley ya.. Ambil baju pesanan tante yg udh dibyar. Nanti tante kasih km uang buat beli dress disana.
You: oke tante..
Tante: nih uangnya.. Km naik taxi aja ya.. Tapi inget, cpet pulang!
You: sip tante :)
km pun pergi.. Trnyata butik i2 trletak di lantai 3 Omaha Mall (random :p)
Pas nyampe, km langsung ke butik tsb. Disana km juga langsung minta baju pesanan tante km. Setelah i2, km milih dress yg mau km beli. Stelah 20 menit milih", akhirnya km dpat dress brwarna biru muda. Km pun mengambilnya & langsung ke kamar pas/ruang ganti buat coba tu dress. Menurut km, dress i2 bagus. Tapi km pngen nanya pndapat org lain. Pas km mau keluar, baru aja buka pintu..
Tiba" ada cwok putih, pake hoodie+kacamata item brdiri tepat didpan pintu..
Eh, tiba" dia dorong km masuk ke dlm., tutup mulut km dgn tangannya & nutup pintu!
You: *dlm hati* OMG! Dia mau apain aku nih ?? :O
Saat i2, trdengar suara cwek" yg lari"an sambil teriak.. "Justin... Justin..!"
Cowok i2 ngeliat km..
You: *dlm hati* apa dia... Justin Bieber ?? :O
Cwok i2 masih menutup mulutmu. Sedangkan km cengo stengah idup (?)
15min later..
Butik mulai trdengar sepi. Kayaknya cwek" i2 udh pergi.
Cwok i2 menarik nafas panjang & diapun melepas tangannya dri mulutmu. Dia membuka kacamata+tudung kepalanya.
You: OMG! Are u Justin Bieber ??
Justin: sssstttt! Yes I am..
Km ga percaya, seorang Justin Bieber saat ini ada didpan mata km! Km sperti mau teriak,nangis,ketawa,loncat" -_- eh, tapi bdan km malah lemes & km pun speechless berat -.-'
Justin ngintip keluar., lalu dia menarik tgnmu secara spontan keluar dri ruang ganti.
Tiba" Kenny & 2 bodyguard lain dtg.
Kenny: Justin, are u okay ?
Justin: Im okay..
Kenny: who's that girl ? *lihat km*
Justin: oh, yeah.. Whats ur name ? *km melongo* hello ??
You: ouh, yes ?
Justin: whats ur name ? :D
You: oh, Im "urname"..
Justin: okay "urname", thanks for ur helping & sorry.. Because...
You: oh, okay.. Im understand :)
Justin: so, u wanna go home now ?
You: yes! But i must change my clothes..
Justin: No no no! U look pretty with that..
You: really ? Umm, okay. But I must pay it first..
Justin: hmm, wait.. *pergi kekasir* how much price of the dress that the girl wears ?
Cashier: $75. Btw, can I get ur signature ? My daughter is ur fans.
Justin ngeluarin uang dri dompet & salah 1 uang ditandatanganinya.
Justin: this money for the dress & this the signature for ur daughter :)
Smentara i2, km membereskan baju" yg akn dibwa. Setelah i2, kalian pergi. WOW! Beliebers ada di mana"! Tapi untungnya kalian bisa masuk kemobil dgn selamat :D
Justin membwa range rovernya & dia mempersilahkan km masuk.
Kenny: Justin, where u wanna go ?
Justin: I'll hang out with my belieber ;)
Kenny: oh okay. If something happen, call me ;)
Justin: okay.
Kalian ber2 pun pergi. Km sama sx ga tau Justin mau ngajak km kemana.
20min later..
Kalian smpai disebuah danau. Dari dlm mobil, danau i2 trlihat sangat sepi.
Kalianpun turun dri mobil. Ada jembatan yg mnuju hampir ketengah danau. Kalian pun duduk tepat diujung jembatan. Saat i2 matahari akan tenggelam.
You: wow, beautiful :)
Justin: i love this place :)
You: why u brought me here ?
Justin: hmm, idk why.. I just follow my heart.
You: oww, can I ask u something ?
Justin: sure. What ?
You: do u love all ur fans ?
Justin: ofcourse! I love them so much.. Why ?
You: nothing. Just wanna ask..
Justin: I love them cos they always support me & love me more than i can imagine. Without them, Im nothing! And sometimes, i can fall in love with one of them.
You: really ?
Justin: yeah.. U know, i love her cos she has beautiful smile, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, & everything bout her is beautiful :)
You: wow! She's so lucky..
Justin: hmm, how if the girl is u ?
You: heh ? :O
Justin: I mean, IF u be that girl, hows ur feeling ?
You: okay, IF me rite ? Hmm, Im so happy. Cos my lovely idol loves me. & thats so amazing :)
Justin: aww.. Hmm, i think she's near with me now. I can feel her.
You: haha, u can feel her ? :p so, who's that girl ?
Justin: *natap matamu* she's right next to me. She's besides me.. *km kaget+speechless*
Justin: i know, maybe ure not believe me. We met about 2 hours ago n now I say Im falling in love with u.. Maybe u think its impossible, but thats the fact!
You: but why must me ? Im just ordinary girl.. But u ?
Justin: u know why ? Cos u being u.. U are u.. I love the way u are.. Hmm, can i ask u something ?
You: yes..
Justin: want u be my gf ? I know, this is so fast. But i never playing girl's heart.
Km diem. Udh ga tau mo ngomong apa.
Justin: its okay if u wont answer now..
You: hey, are u serious ?
Justin: yes! Im serious.. *stare at ur eyes softly*
You: hmm, if u serious.. Okay..
Justin: okay ? What, okay ?
You: yeah,, yes! :D
Justin: u want be my gf ? *km mengangguk sambil trsenyum* oh.. Thanks shawty.. *hug u*
after that, he kisses ur forehead & say..
Justin: i love u "urname" <3
You: i love u too <3

. . . . . . . . . . THE END . . . . . . . . . .

imagine story from :  

♥ Just Never Say Never and Your Dreams will come true ツ

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